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A photographer in hiding

Writer: Jon S.Jon S.

Updated: Feb 23, 2020

I've been a photographer in hiding

I want to preface with I have been fascinated by technology and all its advances to our life since I was a little kid. It is what has driven me into my current IT career thus far.

And this was the least embarrassing shot!

Where I started

In high school I had a photography teacher that was curious about the next era of digital photography and he caught wind of my interest in creating images using Photoshop and my dad’s digital point and shoot camera. So, he convinced me to join his class and try something new. So, where most kids were learning the film side of things, I was to use my digital camera and create digital slideshows with music and the lot. I was graded on the creativity in the shots, and then laid the groundwork for how he would teach the new era of photography. I had an awesome time with that project, even though it is very cringe-worthy content looking back; Haha.

This is what really brought my love for technology together with the interest in capturing things from a new perspective.

The photography didn’t stop there, mostly taking pictures of cars and nature, but it was only really fired up after my wife had our son. I bought a DSLR knowing I would be taking pictures as my son grew up. Admittedly I was just thinking it was a good investment for better images of our growing family.

I didn’t anticipate it would fuel another passion of mine.

Katie and I began doing photoshoots together and started working with backdrops, lighting, posing, the whole thing. We spent probably 2 years taking the hobby seriously before the job market in northern Iowa smothered us and we made the move to Des Moines.


A New Beginning

We moved here for a more serious career role in computer technology I had applied for, I felt the overwhelming need to succeed for my family. So, photography took a backseat and I focused on my craft in technology. Fast forward 6 years, and even though there were tough times in there, we have beat the odds and made it in the city!

I noticed in all of our success Katie was still struggling with body image issues. I can see she is busting her ass to overcome it, and I knew I needed to reignite her love for herself. We went out and bought a new camera and I got to work learning the ins and outs of my shiny new toy. Not too much longer, I had convinced Katie to get in front of the camera and we worked through some poses.

What do you know, she looked AMAZING!

So, we did another one and it too was amazing, more so than the first. Katie was in awe, and ecstatic that she could feel good in her own skin again. It was truly revolutionary; we both knew we wanted everyone to be able to have that experience. Since then I have shot a handful of other wonderful ladies, and regardless of their size or age, they all expressed this love for themselves in the images.

I can’t help but to be addicted to this positivity in helping others. So I hope I gain some traction with my images and bring in more woman that would love to fall back in love with themselves.



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